The Forensic Department in Niazi welfare foundation teaching hospital associated with Niazi Medical and Dental College Sargodha plays a crucial role in providing medical and scientific expertise in the investigation of crimes, abuse, and other legal matters. The Forensic Department in a tertiary care hospital is a vital component of the healthcare system, supporting the justice system and promoting public health.
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
- Professor
- Department of Forensic Medicine
Finger prints pattern variation in Diabetic patients
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Spectrum of firearm injury cases brought to Medicolegal department in Sandman (Prov) Hospital Quetta during 2000
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Frequency of burnt patients in Sandman Provincial Hospital Quetta
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa strains on 4ml of inoculum size
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Medical students' perceptions regarding autopsy as an educational tool
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accident cases
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Gender variation of Dactylography among the patients of Diabetes Mellitus
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Pakistan Journals of Medical & Health Sciences
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Forensic Medicine
Critical appraisal of Autopsy work
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
APMC Annals of Punjab Medical College
Determination of sex by cheiloscopy as an aid to establish personal identity
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
Annals of King Edward Medical University
Comparative audit of homicidal deaths in Multan city during the year 2011 & 2016
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
APMC Annals of Punjab Medical College
Study of skull fracture pattern in case of head injury by blast forces
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health
Sciences Vol. 11, Jan-Mar 2017
Prof. Dr. Yasir Ameer
Dr. Zameer Ahmed
Assistant Professor